Are you feeling like your vocal journey is stuck? We've all experienced those roadblocks. Many singers face obstacles that can hold them back from unleashing their true vocal potential. Let's talk about them!
Obstacle #1: Not Making Progress.
Often this is just a belief BEFORE we start. Like it, won’t make a difference what you do, you just sound like this. But if you start exploring, you will experience a change in your voice! But sometimes we plateau and it can be disheartening. That’s often the case when we are getting more aware, so it’s a good thing really. I promise you, even Beyoncé had some setbacks practicing her riffs and runs ð Progress takes time and consistent effort. Keep going!
Obstacle #2: Admitting You Need to Work on Technique.
It would be great if we were born singing like Lady Gaga, right? But the truth is, even the greatest singers continuously work on their technique. It takes humility and courage to admit that we still have room for improvement. And that's also the exciting part in my opinion! We are never all done and that’s the magic!
Obstacle #3: Believing Your Voice Can't Change.
Let's debunk this myth once and for all: your voice is not set in stone! Just like any muscle or part of your body and brain, your voice can be trained and developed. Don't limit yourself, but embrace the potential for growth and transformation!
Obstacle #4: Fear of Sounding Silly.
We've all been there, afraid to make weird sounds or sound like a tone-deaf cat. I’m not kidding, I get my students to sound exactly like that. It’s great for your technique! ðŧ
Vocal exploration often involves making silly sounds and it's actually great practice to not take yourself so seriously ðĪŠ Embrace the silliness! The road to vocal greatness is paved with laughter and the occasional hilarious vocal mishap.
Obstacle #5: Afraid of Taking the Leap and Embrace Change.
We are such interesting creatures that just don't like change.. ð We can even be scared of success! Make a pact with yourself today to step out of your comfort zone, seek guidance, and commit to the journey of self-discovery through your voice. If you're already doing it, you know it's a thrilling ride!
Are You Ready for a Vocal Adventure? ð
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ð Get your vocal journey started right away with my FREE belting training.
ð Step out of your comfort zone by DM:ing me with your voice-related question. Let's connect and break down barriers together!
ð Share your vocal obstacles with a fellow singer. Talking it out and seeking support can make a world of difference!